Headteacher’s Newsletter – 24th January 2025
Dear Parents and Carers
We have been working on our school attendance for two years and have made such improvements. In that time, we have raised our school attendance rate to over 95% from 90%, which is phenomenal.
However, we are seeing signs that this is slipping. Children are taking odd days off here and there. We have also noticed that whole families are absent on a Friday without a significant reason for this.
Your child will have received a certificate today if their attendance since September has been above 96%. We are now classing any absence between 90% and 95% a cause for concern and you will have received a letter regarding this. If your child’s absence is below 90%, your child will now be classed as a persistent absentee. This is in-line with local and government initiatives. An appointment will be made to discuss how we can support you and your child to attend regularly and see the importance of regular attendance.
Lateness = Lost Learning
(Figures below are calculated over a school year)
5 minutes late each day | 3 days lost |
10 minutes late each day | 6.5 days lost |
15 minutes late each day | 10 days lost |
20 minutes late each day | 13 days lost |
30 minutes late each day | 19 days lost |
We regularly have children turning up late to school. We are setting our children up to fail if we allow this to happen regularly. In the workplace, this would not be tolerated. Imagine if the staff turned up late several times a week. This would not be a good example to set your children and if you found the gates closed when you needed to attend work, imagine the complaints I would receive. If you find mornings difficult, we need to discuss how we will make them better.
Attendance this week
Class with overall best attendance | 97.57% Year 4 – Miss Philpott |
Overall school attendance | 93.78% |
Lates | 44 lates / 25 children |
Unauthorised attendance | 1.80% |
Maths monitoring
Mr. Nelson, our Maths Governor, took time out of his day to come into classes, look at books and speak to children today. We were very impressed with some of the children we spoke to. The children were able to tell us what they have been learning recently; what they do when they find concepts tricky and what they do to move their learning forward. One child even stated, ‘Did you look at my book? I think my writing could be better’. Your child will have received a letter today that states which multiplication tables they need to learn. Please support us by reading the letter and ensuring that your child completes TTRockstars regularly. Some children received our new award this week. Please speak to your child about this.
Year 4 Corinium Museum
Year 4 visited the Corinium Museum on Wednesday and had a fantastic time! They took part in games, dressed up and experienced a great Roman workshop run by some amazing educationalists. Thank you for supporting us so that your children can have these wonderful experiences that will be memories forever.

EYFS visit from our Governor Jon Carter
It is the first time that one our new governors has made a visit to see the children of EYFS in action. Jon was impressed by our provision, which you know includes three classrooms and a large outdoor area. I was relieved today to see that Pip the Penguin had been returned to his cold land in EYFS as Lisa Bridge, our school cook found the penguin in her freezer when looking for our fish fingers. What a naughty penguin, looking for an early lunch! Thank you, Jon, for visiting and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.
Kind regards,
Mrs. McQueen