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Religious Education

religious education

St Mary’s C of E (Aided) Primary School is a Church school. What does this mean for my child?

The Church has a strong connection with the school. Reverend Dr James Kennedy (team rector) and Reverend David Salter (team vicar), alongside Sally Smith (children and families pastor) and Meg Carter (youth pastor) work specifically with our school on a regular basis. As part of our daily collective worship, the church team deliver a service every Thursday morning to the whole school based on our weekly theme. We also hold three religious services a year at St. Mary’s for Harvest, Christmas and Easter.

The church also supports a variety of other projects in school including our annual Prayer Space, where a room is decorated by church members and activities are provided over a period of three days for reflection and exploring spirituality.

The church provides a member of staff for drop-in sessions every Monday, where parents and carers can discuss a variety of issues and can be sign-posted to different supports. Emma Kennedy currently runs this on a weekly basis.

We also work alongside Harriet Fender and Carol Soper who are members of the church community who provide weekly nurture gardening sessions.

Yvonne Champion also leads a project called Full Circle where a group of youngsters work alongside older members of the community and share lunch once a week.

The church also provides family outreach work for a small number of our families and support with a wide variety of issues.

If you feel you would benefit from any support from the church, please get in touch.

Visit St Mary’s Church Website 

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