Isla has been so busy this week! Not only has Isla been read to so nicely, she has also helped Finley in EYFS. When he first met Isla he would scream and cry even if we were on the other side of the playground but this week he stroked her for the first time and even walked round the track with us – go Finley!
Adam also talked to Isla using lots of new English words – well done Adam.
Some children in Year 3 who came to show me their fabulous writing also got to stroke their furry friend.
The Duke of Edinburgh visits The Branch
Some of the children at St. Mary’s were lucky enough to meet the Duke of Edinburgh on Wednesday. Those children that take part in Nurture Gardening and Full Circle in school were invited to The Branch to be part of the official opening. We hope to have some lovely photos in the next few weeks to share with you.
Year 4 assembly
Year 4 assembly was great this week. The children told us all about their learning from Boudica to the explosion of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
Year 1 – Puppet making
Year 1 were making puppets in DT and what amazing fun they had, linking this to their Toy topic. They were sewing using a running stitch and being very careful with a hot glue gun to attach fastenings – well done Year 1.
Class with overall best attendance
Mrs English / Mrs Townsend’s Class Year 2 – 98.74%
We started off the week by watching Inside Out 2 and discussing our emotions. We talked about the feelings some of us find difficult but discussed the fact that no matter what the feeling, at times, they are perfectly normal feelings to be having and it is how we manage those feelings that matters the most.
As I was walking back to my room at the end of that day, Albert in Year 2 stated that he was feeling jealous of a child because they had been chosen to take something from the special treat box. Jo-Jo then reminded him that he had just received a merit and although a merit wasn’t a thing, it was just as important. Jo-Jo also continued with the fact that the feeling of jealousy was perfectly normal as we had talked about this. Albert’s response to this was so lovely and it made me so proud because sometimes I wonder whether the children are truly listening to me and on this ocassion they were! These are the children of St Mary’s and what great adults they will make in the future.
Mother’s Day Celebration at school – SAVE THE DATE
On Friday 28 March 2025, the children will be inviting mothers, a grandmother, aunty or significant female in their life to join them between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. The school will be split into family groups and you will have the opportunity to complete a craft activity with your child/children and enjoy cake provided by the PTA.
Questionnaire regarding After School Clubs / Holiday Clubs
Further to the Parentmail message sent out yesterday, the google form for this is still open. Thank you to all the parents that have already completed the form. Please see the link below. We need as many of you in our school community to complete the form so we have a better understanding of what is working and what can be improved.
Thank you to everyone who has attended events, bought a raffle ticket, donated cakes in the last two years because everything you have contributed has gone to pay for our new outdoor classroom.
I will admit, that last year, we did try to Bag a Book Bus for £1000 but unfortunately we could not get it down the back lane outside school – it was too big! I didn’t want to tell you at the time but now we have bagged ourselves an amazing outdoor classroom so that the children can read, draw, play games with their friends at lunch and play. All being well it should be installed by the end of April.
The children were excited last week to receive their certificates for knowing their multiplication tables. A lot of children made the effort to complete their 10 minutes a day. Please support your child to do this. It’s easy to log on. Contact your child’s teacher if you are unable to do this. Your child’s class teacher will be checking on this every week. Let’s reach for the stars and have all our children reciting their multiplication quickly.
EYFS and Year 1 will be completing work on Numbots and will receive their logins next week. We will be holding a parental workshop on this after half term – more information to follow.
Our EYFS in action
What fun they have in Acorn class every week from outdoor play to construction and even ordering food from the Acorn class Chinese kitchen – delicious!
We have been working on our school attendance for two years and have made such improvements. In that time, we have raised our school attendance rate to over 95% from 90%, which is phenomenal.
However, we are seeing signs that this is slipping. Children are taking odd days off here and there. We have also noticed that whole families are absent on a Friday without a significant reason for this.
Your child will have received a certificate today if their attendance since September has been above 96%. We are now classing any absence between 90% and 95% a cause for concern and you will have received a letter regarding this. If your child’s absence is below 90%, your child will now be classed as a persistent absentee. This is in-line with local and government initiatives. An appointment will be made to discuss how we can support you and your child to attend regularly and see the importance of regular attendance.
Lateness = Lost Learning (Figures below are calculated over a school year)
5 minutes late each day
3 days lost
10 minutes late each day
6.5 days lost
15 minutes late each day
10 days lost
20 minutes late each day
13 days lost
30 minutes late each day
19 days lost
We regularly have children turning up late to school. We are setting our children up to fail if we allow this to happen regularly. In the workplace, this would not be tolerated. Imagine if the staff turned up late several times a week. This would not be a good example to set your children and if you found the gates closed when you needed to attend work, imagine the complaints I would receive. If you find mornings difficult, we need to discuss how we will make them better.
Attendance this week
Class with overall best attendance
97.57% Year 4 – Miss Philpott
Overall school attendance
44 lates / 25 children
Unauthorised attendance
Maths monitoring
Mr. Nelson, our Maths Governor, took time out of his day to come into classes, look at books and speak to children today. We were very impressed with some of the children we spoke to. The children were able to tell us what they have been learning recently; what they do when they find concepts tricky and what they do to move their learning forward. One child even stated, ‘Did you look at my book? I think my writing could be better’. Your child will have received a letter today that states which multiplication tables they need to learn. Please support us by reading the letter and ensuring that your child completes TTRockstars regularly. Some children received our new award this week. Please speak to your child about this.
Year 4 Corinium Museum
Year 4 visited the Corinium Museum on Wednesday and had a fantastic time! They took part in games, dressed up and experienced a great Roman workshop run by some amazing educationalists. Thank you for supporting us so that your children can have these wonderful experiences that will be memories forever.
EYFS visit from our Governor Jon Carter
It is the first time that one our new governors has made a visit to see the children of EYFS in action. Jon was impressed by our provision, which you know includes three classrooms and a large outdoor area. I was relieved today to see that Pip the Penguin had been returned to his cold land in EYFS as Lisa Bridge, our school cook found the penguin in her freezer when looking for our fish fingers. What a naughty penguin, looking for an early lunch! Thank you, Jon, for visiting and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.
After-school clubs started again this week. Attendance at each club is excellent this term. Our after-school offer is extensive.
This term, we provide five different sports a week, sewing, two art clubs, musical theatre, book club, lego and construction, ballet and dance. Has your child signed up for a club this year? If not, please try for a summer club next term.
Joining a club offers immense benefits such as learning a new skill, perfecting something you love, having fun with friends – the list is endless. Attending after-school activities is also good for your mental health.
As parents, if there is something you would like to suggest for either a group of adults or an idea for children in school, we’d love to hear from you.
The children have settled back into school life extremely well after the Christmas break.
Board game fun
Thank you to the two families who sent pictures of board game fun over the holidays. I myself, played several games of Uno and lost very badly when playing Monopoly! If you have any more photos please do send them to Mrs Strick.
Virtual Reality Experiences in Key Stage 2
In Year 6, the children learn about Everest and Sir Edmund Hillary. Unfortunately, for the children at St. Mary’s, a trip to the Himalayas is a little bit tricky. However, using VR the children were able to get as close as possible and experience life as a climber. The children thought the afternoon was lots of fun and felt the opportunity was a very exciting launch to their topic this term. Year 5, who are studying The Amazon were also able to experience animals in the Rainforest. Year 5 will be lucky enough to compliment this experience with a visit to the Living Rainforest in Berkshire soon.
Home Reading
There are many children who Strive for 5 every week and are lucky enough to get their name popped into the basket for the weekly draw. We have lots of more new books this term, so it is definitely worth giving it a go. This term, you will receive a merit every time you read and if you achieve your Strive for 5, you will receive 10 MERITS! You’ve got to be in it to win it! Remember that Isla is also waiting for her weekly walk around the track. When Shane in Year 5 read to her last time, she fell asleep and started snoring!
School uniform
Please ensure your child is dressed correctly for school. We are still seeing summer dresses, leggings and stretchy short skirts and this is not part of our uniform policy. Could elaborate hair decorations please be kept for the weekend only. Thank you.
Contacting school if your child is absent
Contacting the school when your child is absent is extremely important. Attendance is now reported daily to the Government. If you do not contact the school when your child is absent and they are of walking age, we do not know if they are ill or something has happened to them and then this becomes a Safeguarding concern. Thank you to all the parents and carers that send an email via Parentmail or phone and leave a message.
If your child will be absent from school, you MUST contact the school before the register closes at 9.00am, otherwise your child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised. We will make every effort to contact you, whether this is by email, phone call or text but we would appreciate it if you made that contact first.
Thank you to everyone who came to our Church service yesterday – it was a lovely way to end the term. The simple messages expressed by the children of a baby in a manger surrounded by people who loved him is something to remember. In this fast paced, ever-changing world it is often the most important messages that are missed. I talked yesterday about giving gifts of kindness, love and happiness and in return we might receive much of the same thing – I love a free gift! If you didn’t join us yesterday and you would like to listen to words of the song that held so much for me the other day on the way to work, ask one of your devices for “A little love” by Celeste.
Take a board game selfie!
Technology can be an amazing thing and the ability to ask the Alexa to play just about any kind of music has been life changing! This Christmas, I would like you to join us and put down all that technology that you asked Father Christmas for and get out an old-fashioned board game. Yes, Monopoly, Uno, a family game of charades (okay not quite a board game but you get the idea). Our mission this Christmas is to get us all talking again, in one room. Give up your phone, switch off the TV and have some fun. We are going to make a display of all the games you played so take lots of pictures and overload Mrs Strick’s inbox this Christmas by sending a photo, or two or three!
Mrs Strick is off to play Monolpoly with her own family.
Year 2 Great Fire of London visit
Samuel Pepys popped in to Year 2 this week to talk to the children all about the Great Fire of London. The children had a great time consolidating all of their knowledge and having so much fun too. Samuel Pepys was very impressed!
Class with overall best attendance
98.67% – Year 3 (Mrs Eaglestone & Miss Thorsby’s class)
Overall School attendance
53 Lates / 36 children
Unauthorised absence
All the staff of St Mary’s would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we will look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 7 January 2025.