Headteacher’s Newsletter – 14th February 2025
Dear Parents and Carers
Isla’s busy week
Isla has been so busy this week! Not only has Isla been read to so nicely, she has also helped Finley in EYFS. When he first met Isla he would scream and cry even if we were on the other side of the playground but this week he stroked her for the first time and even walked round the track with us – go Finley!
Adam also talked to Isla using lots of new English words – well done Adam.
Some children in Year 3 who came to show me their fabulous writing also got to stroke their furry friend.

The Duke of Edinburgh visits The Branch
Some of the children at St. Mary’s were lucky enough to meet the Duke of Edinburgh on Wednesday. Those children that take part in Nurture Gardening and Full Circle in school were invited to The Branch to be part of the official opening. We hope to have some lovely photos in the next few weeks to share with you.
Year 4 assembly
Year 4 assembly was great this week. The children told us all about their learning from Boudica to the explosion of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

Year 1 – Puppet making
Year 1 were making puppets in DT and what amazing fun they had, linking this to their Toy topic. They were sewing using a running stitch and being very careful with a hot glue gun to attach fastenings – well done Year 1.

Class with overall best attendance | Mrs English / Mrs Townsend’s Class Year 2 – 98.74% |
Overall school attendance | 95.29% |
Lates | 34 lates / 18 children |
Unauthorised attendance | 0.51% |
Kind regards,
Mrs. McQueen
Attendance, Isla, The Duke of Edinburgh, Year 1, Year 4 assembly