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Tag: After-school clubs

Headteacher’s Newsletter – 17th January 2025

Dear Parents/carers,

After-school clubs

After-school clubs started again this week. Attendance at each club is excellent this term. Our
after-school offer is extensive.

This term, we provide five different sports a week, sewing, two art clubs, musical theatre, book
club, lego and construction, ballet and dance. Has your child signed up for a club this year? If not,
please try for a summer club next term.

Joining a club offers immense benefits such as learning a new skill, perfecting something you love,
having fun with friends – the list is endless. Attending after-school activities is also good for your
mental health.

As parents, if there is something you would like to suggest for either a group of adults or an idea for
children in school, we’d love to hear from you.

Take a look at some of the photos below.


Class with overall best attendanceYear 3 Mrs Eaglestone and Miss Thorsby – 100%
Overall school attendance92.09%
Lates35 lates / 17 children
Unauthorised attendance3.01%

Kind regards

Mrs. McQueen

st mary's school credentials