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Tag: Diary dates

Headteacher’s Newsletter – 28th February 2025

Dear Parents and Carers

Harry Baker visits St Mary’s

Harry Baker, a World Cup and Paralympian footballer spoke to the children about the ups and downs in his career. His story was inspirational and showed the realities of football at the highest level. Harry talked about scoring goals for England and how proud he was to represent his country. Having cerebral palsy, he had never dreamed of such a fantastic career. However, he did talk to the children about his attitude to failure at certain times in his profession and his initial lack of resilience to overcoming set backs and not being chosen for the squad for an Olympic games. His self-reflection throughout his presentation was extraordinary and you could have heard a pin drop in the hall as everyone was listening so hard! Follow your dreams and make the impossible something possible for you. He even took the time to sign autographs for all the children in Year 6.

Library Visits

The children in all year groups are again having the opportunity to visit the library and take out some ‘free’ books. Mrs Keyzor needed a shopping trolley for all the books that Acorn class borrowed yesterday.

World Book Week next week

Next week is World Book Week and there will be a variety of activities taking place for the children. On Friday 7March 2025, the children can come to dressed in their favourite PJs and bring with them their favourite book and a teddy. We will also be having a special lunchtime menu on Thursday 6 March 2025, which is displayed at the end of this letter.


We have all been working hard on our attendance this term. To help us to support you and your child, please ensure that when make contact by either phone, email or ParentMail that you detail your child’s absence. Unfortunately, writing ‘stomach’ or ‘unwell’ does not help us to understand your child’s illness, especially if they have multiple absences.

Class with overall best attendance98.86% – EYFS – Mrs Taylor’s class
Overall School attendance96.30%
Lates17 lates / 10 children
Unauthorised absence0.41%

Dates for your diary

Monday 10 March 2025 Parents Evening – 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Tuesday 11 March 2025Year 5 Singing Workshop at Chipping Norton School from 2.00pm – Music Festival
Wednesday 12 March 2025Parents Evening – 3.30pm to 6.30pm
EYFS – visit Pizza Express in Banbury – cooking session
Wednesday 19 March 2025Year 6 and EYFS – Height and Weight National Measurement programme
Thursday 20 March 2025NSPCC Workshop – Years 2, 5 and 6
Tuesday 25 March 2025Individual School Photos
Friday 4 April 2025End of term – finish at 2.00pm for the Easter break until Monday 21 April 2025.
Tuesday 22 April 2025INSET DAY – school closed for pupils
Wednesday 23 April 2025Summer term begins – 8.25am

World book day lunchtime menu

  • Horrid Henry’s Greedy Crispy Bun – Crispy Chicken Burger served with Lettuce and Mayo in a fresh Bread Bap.
  • BFG Human Bean Burger – Homemade Bean Burger with Mayo and Lettuce served in a fresh Bread
  • Gruffalo’s Terrible Tusks Potato Wedges.
  • Jack’s Magic Beans.
  • Peter Rabbit’s Carrots and Baked Beans.
  • Dessert – Oompa Loompa Bar, a Chocolate drizzled Shortbread.

Kind regards

Mrs McQueen

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