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Tag: Mother’s Day Celebration

Headteacher’s Newsletter – 28th March 2025

Dear Parents and Carers

We have had so much going on this week from the Y5 assembly, the art session at Beech Haven
Care Home to the netball game on Wednesday after school. I don’t have enough paper for all the
lovely things we have done this week but here is a lovely highlight from this afternoon.

Magical Mother’s Day Afternoon

Thank you so much to all the female representatives we had this afternoon. It was so lovely to see so many of you working with your children. I know the pupils were so excited to see you. Thank you to the PTA for bagging up all those yummy cakes!

Non-uniform day Friday 4th April – wear your favourite clothes for a £1 donation to the PTA funds.


Class with overall best attendanceYear 2 – 99.31%
Overall school attendance96.76%
Unauthorised attendance2.16%

Kind regards

Mrs. McQueen

Headteacher’s Newsletter – 14th March 2025

Dear Parents/carers

Science week

We took part in Book Week last week and this week we have been super scientists to celebrate Science Week! We were lucky enough to take part in workshops led by Alice from Science Oxford. The children were in awe of the amazing experiments and reactions.


We have also been celebrating diversity in Collective Worship and understanding that diversity involves recognising and valuing the rich tapestry of human differences, fostering understanding and creating inclusive environments where everyone feels valued and respected and that’s what I wish for every child at St. Mary’s. Please talk to your child about this at the weekend.

Pizza Paradise in Acorn Class

This term’s home corner in Acorn Class has been a Pizzeria. Wood fired pizza has been made and delicious gelatos have been consumed. The children were so lucky to go to
experience a real pizzeria restaurant, Pizza Express and make their very own pizzas. The children brought them back to school and said they tasted, ‘yummy!’

Lunchtime Football

Last Friday we had an amazing amount of children take part in our lunchtime football event. The children were split into girls and boys to encourage active participation during lunchtime. 74% of girls came to enjoy the activities which has counted towards our participation in England Football’s ‘Biggest ever football event’. Thank you to all who joined in you have earnt lots of house points for your team.

Mother’s Day Celebration
Friday 28 March 2025 from 1.15pm – 3.00pm
Come and make a beautiful Spring gift with your children and enjoy cake afterwards.
A perfect way to end the week! Cakes supplied by the PTA.

Non-uniform day Friday 4th April – wear your favourite clothes for a £1 donation to the PTA funds


Class with overall best attendanceYear 2 Mrs Townsend/Mrs English – 99.31%
Overall school attendance96.76%
Unauthorised attendance2.16%

Kind regards

Mrs McQueen

Headteacher’s Newsletter – 7th March 2025

Dear Parents and Carers

Nursery News

We are very excited to announce that we will be opening our very own nursery in September 2025. Our nursery will be called Little Acorns, in preparation for Acorn Class. Initially, this will be for 3 – 4 year olds but our intention will be to increase this to 2 year olds shortly afterwards. If you would like further information or a school tour, please email/phone the office and make an appointment to speak with Mrs Justine Taylor (Deputy Head Teacher and lead for nursery and EYFS).

World Book Week in pictures

Mother’s Day Celebration

Friday 28th March 1.15pm – 3pm
Come and make a beautiful Spring gift with your children and enjoy cake afterwards. A perfect way to end the week!

Wednesday Winners!

The football team played against Bruern Abbey School and won all of their games. Well done everyone!


Class with overall best attendanceYear 2 – 99.31%
Overall school attendance96.76%
Unauthorised attendance2.16%

Kind regards,

Mrs McQueen

Headteacher’s Newsletter – 7th February 2025

Dear Parents and Carers

Children’s Mental Health Week

We started off the week by watching Inside Out 2 and discussing our emotions. We talked about the feelings some of us find difficult but discussed the fact that no matter what the feeling, at times, they are perfectly normal feelings to be having and it is how we manage those feelings that matters the most.

As I was walking back to my room at the end of that day, Albert in Year 2 stated that he was feeling jealous of a child because they had been chosen to take something from the special treat box. Jo-Jo then
reminded him that he had just received a merit and although a merit wasn’t a thing, it was just as important. Jo-Jo also continued with the fact that the feeling of jealousy was perfectly normal as we had
talked about this. Albert’s response to this was so lovely and it made me so proud because sometimes I
wonder whether the children are truly listening to me and on this ocassion they were! These are the
children of St Mary’s and what great adults they will make in the future.

Mother’s Day Celebration at school – SAVE THE DATE

On Friday 28 March 2025, the children will be inviting mothers, a grandmother, aunty or significant female in their life to join them between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. The school will be split into family groups and you
will have the opportunity to complete a craft activity with your child/children and enjoy cake provided by the PTA.

Questionnaire regarding After School Clubs / Holiday Clubs

Further to the Parentmail message sent out yesterday, the google form for this is still open. Thank you to
all the parents that have already completed the form. Please see the link below. We need as many of you
in our school community to complete the form so we have a better understanding of what is working and
what can be improved.

Thank you for your support with this.


Class with overall best attendanceMrs Eaglestone / Miss Thorsby Year 3 – 97.44%
Overall School attendance97.22%
Lates31 Lates / 17 children
Unauthorised absence0.14%

Kind regards
Mrs McQueen

st mary's school credentials