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Tag: Nursery

Headteacher’s Newsletter – 21st March 2025

Dear Parents and Carers

Chipping Norton Music Festival

All our children in Years 1 to 6 took part in the Chipping Norton Music Festival this week. They performed class poems and the feedback from the judges was excellent.

CNS Multi-ball skills

Great fun was had by all children in Year 2 and Year 3 on Wednesday afternoon. As always the children were polite and really positive when playing with others.

The Branch

Parent Drop-In EVERY MONDAY MORNING 8.20am – 9.30am

Every Monday there is a Parent Drop-In, in the library run by Emma Kennedy from The Branch. If you have any questions about benefits, arrears, housing, debt support, parenting, or if you need help filling in forms please do come to reception, and you will be shown up to the library. Many families are struggling at the moment, and there is lots of help and support available that people often do not know about. Rather than have sleepless nights worrying about things, do drop in on a Monday and we will help signpost you to support for you and your family.

The Branch also runs Connect Café every Tuesday afternoon 1.00pm – 2.30pm, where you can go along for coffee, cake and craft – and there is also a help desk and Citizens Advice.

This term they also have the No Limits Programme on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. This programme provides laptops, mobile phones, Wifi and Data packages for those who need a devise to access training or employment. If you would like support with this, then please either call in on a Monday morning when you drop the children off at school or go along to Connect Café on a Tuesday at The Branch.

All appointments are confidential.

Financial news for September 2025

After sending out the recent parental survey, every parent agreed that the after-school clubs on offer were varied and great value for money. 100% of parents who responded, stated they would agree to pay more. As we manage rising costs in school, we have made the decision to increase the cost of clubs to £2 per session in September. This is still much cheaper than schools in the locality that offer clubs at an average of £5 or more per hour.

School lunches will also rise to £2.50 per meal in September 2025 (this is the first rise in several years).

Nursery in September 2025

We are now taking enquiries for nursery places in September 2025. We already have several parents interested in joining us. Please contact Mrs Taylor for further information. We will take children after their 3rd birthday.

Non-uniform day Friday 4April 2025 – wear your favourite clothes for a £1 donation to the PTA funds


Class with overall best attendance98.08% Year 3
Overall school attendance94.20%
Unauthorised attendance1.07%

Kind regards

Mrs McQueen

Headteacher’s Newsletter – 7th March 2025

Dear Parents and Carers

Nursery News

We are very excited to announce that we will be opening our very own nursery in September 2025. Our nursery will be called Little Acorns, in preparation for Acorn Class. Initially, this will be for 3 – 4 year olds but our intention will be to increase this to 2 year olds shortly afterwards. If you would like further information or a school tour, please email/phone the office and make an appointment to speak with Mrs Justine Taylor (Deputy Head Teacher and lead for nursery and EYFS).

World Book Week in pictures

Mother’s Day Celebration

Friday 28th March 1.15pm – 3pm
Come and make a beautiful Spring gift with your children and enjoy cake afterwards. A perfect way to end the week!

Wednesday Winners!

The football team played against Bruern Abbey School and won all of their games. Well done everyone!


Class with overall best attendanceYear 2 – 99.31%
Overall school attendance96.76%
Unauthorised attendance2.16%

Kind regards,

Mrs McQueen

st mary's school credentials